Money Talks: Setting Boundaries and Self-Care in Gift Giving

Not gonna buy you. I will not buy you things. You can look at me like, oh, this guy’s rich, this guy successful. I’m not buying. If I buy you, it’s a birthday, it’s Christmas or I saw something I genuinely made me think of you or I knew you needed something. Wait, that’s it. We’re not going shopping. I’ll go shopping. I’ll drop 40 grand each. Lorenzo in LA I’ll go to Atelier in New York. I’ll go to mckayang. I’ll pronounce this Paris. I’ll go to Harrod’s. I’ll go these places. I’ll spend 50 grand at selverages. I’m not buying you. I’m buying me. That is my money. You buy yourself. And if I see something where I’m like, , dude, my girl, the car, I’m not. Okay, cool. But we’re not going shopping. That’s not an activity. Oh, Dusty’s always protecting the empty wallets. I’m not paying for anything. Duh, you can’t. I’m not buying you anything. As if you could.

Don’t nobody want you a little 2 cents. Goodbye. Keep your money, sir. In fact, keep it. Say that. Do something.