The Reality of Restaurant Out-of-Stock Frustrations: A Plea for Kindness Towards Staff

I don’t know who needs to hear this, but please stop taking out your frustrations on the restaurant staff when the restaurant is out of an item. Now, I know there’s no people that are gonna be like, well, you’re a restaurant, why are you out of an item? I’m sorry, silly me. I forgot. We live in a perfect world. I forgot that everything is aligned perfectly in the world we live in. Most of the time when a restaurant is out of an item, the staff won’t know until they clock it for their shift. So there’s already a level of anxiety that comes over them. And they’re just hoping when they’re telling the guest, I’m sorry, but we are actually sold out of this item today, then you’re not about to explode. What do you mean by yard of the item? I flew all the way from across the country just to come here only for that dish. I have not been outside since Covid. And I finally decide to pop out and come only for this item at your outfit. Just, oh, sorry, I know some yoga crazy of your food. It’s not that serious. Okay, get something else.