Exploring the Spiritual Realm: A Deep Dive into Alien Technology and Government Secrets

Son of a. So, guys, boy, Benny, it finally happened. Yes, please. And thank you, Joe Rogan and Tucker Carlson in the same spot for four and a half hours talking about such a broad range of topics. We, of course, have listened to this podcast and wish that you do the exact same. I think you should hear every single minute and every single second of it. However, there’s a part of the podcast that really hit me right in the fields, right in the heart.

Because last year, a member of Congress who is on a task force for homeland security in Congress was at my home for dinner. And this member of Congress. Talk to me about some of the interesting things that Homeland Security covers and military secrets and so forth. Some of the major questions that have been asked in this Congress that have no answer. And one of those questions has to do with the image here with our calls and the spaceship right here.

Joe Rogan has regularly used alien iconography in his shows. Is he has got give the comedy mothership and talk about aliens a lot? Tucker Carlson famously had an alien segment on his Fox News show. But this member of congress was not laughing about aliens.

This member of congress was telling me that the federal government is not only in possession of alien spacecraft, but has also used alien technology on adversaries and potentially the American people.

This member of Congress has tried to tour specific military facilities that are secret. And who’s in charge while Congress is Article 1 of the Constitution. So Congress is technically in charge. But this member of Congress wasn’t able to get into these secure facilities. Why not? Doesn’t make any sense. Who’s actually in charge here? Why didn’t Donald Trump release the information? The government knows about UFOs, right, or UAPs. What, like with all of these various videos and new revelations about our military interacting with these beings or these crafts or whatever the hell they’re. You think in a time of heightened national security, we wanna get all of the information out there. But the conclusion as to why the government hides this stuff was actually profound.

The conclusion was that these things are not extraterrestrial, that they’re extra spiritual and that their existence would bely the existence of a higher power, the existence of god. And that there’s no evidence that these things came from outer space. These things are simply spiritual entities that are engaging on earth the way that spiritual entities have always engaged on planet earth. If you’re a believer, if you read the Bible, if you read the scriptures, you know these things have always existed. And now Tucker Carlson is talking with Joe Rogan about it. And the most listen to man on earth, which is Joe Rogan, is talking to the second most listening man on Earth, Doctor Carlson, about this thing. And it’s, well, pretty unbelievable. Here’s what Tucker Carlson has say about the beings, the UFOs, not being from another planet but being from a spiritual dimension here. Watch. Well, good.

Chuck Carlson also commented on how these beings or creatures have harmed Americans and how their technology is something that is in an ex. I, I is in exchange, and it is something that the US government is holding on to, using and potentially manipulating for their own good and for their own uses. Pretty shocking. Would you believe? Talk across in this situation? Yes. Yes. What I personally believe in all of this and having listen to members of Congress, having listened to across and talk about and doing my own research is you are the conspiracy theorist if you believe that we’re alone. It is actually a harmonious belief system if you’re a Christian or if you really are part of any of the larger religions on earth to just know that there is a higher power, there’s something that is in a spiritual realm that cannot be seen that created you, that created this earth, and that causes it to propel forward. And then that spiritual energy interacts with us in very mysterious and sometimes confounding and very strange ways that are hard to capture on camera but that are real all the same. And so that actually creates a intellectually honest and harmonious worldview that I think Tucker is actually hitting at here, and I think it rings very true. Ladies and gentlemen, that’s my thoughts on all of this. I think all the stuff’s real. I just. All real. I just don’t think it comes from another plan. I think it comes from another dimension, a spiritual dimension that I believe it and I know it’s real myself. Okay, so open your eyes and be awake. It’s more banning like share and subscribe. See you.