Unveiling Hidden Allergies: A Life-Changing Journey to Wellness

So here’s a great story. This is a 48 year old female who has come to the office with allergy concerns. She went to her an allergist and they tested her.

Ige. Food allergies? Zero food allergies. You’re fine. Go home. See you later. Nothing’s wrong. We don’t know what’s going on. And so she watches one of our videos and eventually gives us a call and says, can you guys help me with this? Because it looks like you guys have helped many people. And so we tested her IG G food allergies, which I’ll just don’t even know what to do with those. Check this out. So again, she was allergic to 25 foods, IGG’s. And look at this. She was eating bananas every day, eggs every morning. All of these food allergies. You guys were jacking up her system. So she avoids them. This is the cool part. She didn’t tell me this, but she goes, I can now mow my lawn and not have to wear a mask while I’m mowing my lawn and take a Zirtech afterwards. How cool is that? So get your food allergies tested if you think, even you feel like there’s an inkling of something going on, this can be life changing for you.