¡Respuestas Picantes en Español para Todas las Ocasiones!

No, in Spanish is such a flexible Lily say anything that should go. Sounds sexy. For example, if somebody comes up to you, is they trying to turn to be like or you? So pretty Dara, this is what you reply. Tu maldita madre, váyase de ahí, asqueroso. Or when they come to you and be like, you hungry? This is what you say. Claro, mama huevazo, tú no me ves desnutrido aquí, coño. When they ask you how are you, say. En la maldita los chaquetes digo, me está llevando el diablo y todo sube el mano. And if they ever come at you crazy, something disrespectful. Oh, you gotta. Sí, la tuya, por si acaso, maldito loco.