Navigating Menopause: Understanding the Phases and Symptoms

Just want to comment on this because I could comment like this quite a lot, and it’s honestly just from a lack of education, unfortunately, for women that we get around menopause. So menopause is split into three areas. Menopause itself is actually only one day, and it’s the day after you realize that you’ve missed 12 consecutive cycles. Post menopause is from the day after that until end of life. But we have this entire phase before your cycle stop, which is called Perry menopause. Now the average age range of menopause, IA, your cycles have stopped, is between 45 and 51. Parry menopause, which is the years where your oestrogen and your saxchromones are beginning to decline, can last and typically five to 10 years before for that. So it’s very normal for women to experience Perry menopausal symptoms from the early 30s. Change of cycle is only one of around about 49 different symptoms. It’s not uncommon for women to go through their entire Perry menopausal years with no change of cycles, until they completely stop.