Mastering Shipping Costs: A Guide to Profitable E-Commerce Practices

Always need to make your buyer pay for the shipping, otherwise, it’s gonna eat into your profits. And if you see a seller offering free shipping, it’s not free shipping. They’re actually adding that shipping cost onto the price of the item. So technically, they’re still charging the buyer for the shipping.

Another thing that people are having trouble understanding is that even if you have a label printer like this one and your printing labels are home, you still have to pay for a label for the post office so that they can deliver your item. Other label printer does is basically helps you save a lot of time instead of going to the post office and waiting in line for them to at the labels for you. Whether you buy a label from eBay or you buy it at the post office, you still gonna have to pay for a label. This is why it’s very important that you charge the buyer for shipping. Hope this kind of explains it a little bit. If you have any questions, please leave me a comment.