Lotus Pace Wellness Products Unboxing and Taste Test Review

Hey guys, so today I got a package from Lotus Pace. It’s such a big and heavy package and I’m so excited to see what’s inside here. But I wanna unbox it with you guys. Okay, let’s way, way. Oh my goodness.

I am literally so shocked. I didn’t expect so many products. Like, thank you so much. Okay, it even has like a really nice list. I have thank you for purchasing our wellness products. And we hope to hear from you again soon. Love and light. Probably only doing a taste test on all of these products. And I am so excited. Okay guys, let’s do a taste test on all these products. Let’s pray support. I mean, okay, let’s start with the berries. CMOS gel. Sounds good. Okay, so it says take one spoon a day. So I’ll just have a small one cuz I have so many to try.

Okay, berries, love it. Taste good. A cave have cocoa bliss c, it doesn’t really have like a strong taste like the berries was pretty subtle, but I like it like that a little bit, you know, stronger compared to the berries, but also pretty good. Okay, now we have mango sea, like the texture is very like jam, like, you know, and you was gonna like the sun and you was gonna like this one. I do like mangoes. The sounds also really good. I think so far mango is my favorite. Okay, we have Blue Sperina simus gel. Okay, sure. Alright, there isn’t really a strong flavor to this one. So people who don’t like having, I don’t know, strong flavors to their gals, this one would be pretty good if I were to rank them No. 1, No. 2, No. 3, and No. 4. Okay, so now you’re gonna have the CMOS juices. Let’s start with the cranberry flavor cuz I do like beverages. Smells like cranberry. Oh, now I haven’t tried everything else, but this is my favorite. This sounds good. This sounds really good.

Okay, let’s have their apple cimos flavor juice. Smells like apple juice. Quite also good. I like the sun as well. This is gonna be hard to rank, honestly. Okay, I think this is the same as orange juice.

Oh my goodness, I won’t be able to rank these. They’re all, they’re all really good. They’re all really good. I think, yeah, first, second, third. Enjoy these so much. Okay, so I’m only allowed to have one gummy per day. So we try one simus gummy. Okay, let’s try this one.

Tissue them. The fact that CMOS has so many health benefits and Lotus Space could incorporate CMOS in so many different forms is like so impressive to me. Bye guys. This is the end of the review. Bye.