Exploring the Mystique of Mr. Chrome: A Rare Color Revival for New Edge Cobras

Shoo. Just take it in for just a second. So available, well, actually available to all, not for everyone technically, but if you’re wondering what this cost, it’s 14,9,95 on top of the price of your RTR. So for those of you that don’t know what Mr Chrome is, this was a color that came out on Cobras, new Edge Cobras, and it has disappeared since. So it’s been 20 years since we last saw this color. It became a cult following color, and it’s just beautiful. So as you walk around the car and walk through the different light, the entire car just changes color. It’s got some purple, it’s got some green, it’s got some blue. It’s just freaking beautiful. So we have a, right now sitting on one of our Spec 2 vehicles.