Colorful Trio: The Red, Purple, and Blue Bottles – A Glimpse Into My Favorite Supplements and Promo Deals

This is my trio. What’s your trio? It started with the red bottle, then it moved to the purple bottle, and now I have added the blue bottle. And I am telling you, I am in love with the blue bottle. Now this saves me from having to drink apple cider vinegar. This one helps me at Nat. And then this one is the one that I have been really loving. I do a lot of work. I do a lot of things. My brain is scattered here and there and everywhere. The Blue Bottle is the ticket.

Right now, goalie has entered the TikTok shop land. They are doing big promotions on all of their things. They are $10 off the normal price per bottle. If you get two or more bottles, they’re doing discounts. At two bottles, they’re giving $5 off. When you get three bottles, they’re doing $10 off. And new customers to goalie, there’s like an additional five dollar coupon. So I think by the time if you add all of those coupons together, it might be like 30 bucks for the three bottles. And you could get three of the same, you could get three different ones. They also have some multi vitamins and some other ones there. I’ve got them all LinkedIn my showcase. So whatever kind of combination that you want.

But this is my trio right here, the red, the purple, and the blue. It’s time for me to take mine. Two is a serving. And they’re just little fruity gummies. They’re pretty yummy. They’re like a mobit tart. Did want to shout it out again, because these are the three that I like and with this good deal, I’m gonna be stuck it up. So I am in my blue bottle, red bottle. Oh, that was my blue rod bottle, red bottle, purple bottle, all fall long. Alright, guys, I will see you on the next video, but you can check them out there. I know a lot of people out here are goalie fans and so you can go and get them at a discount. Alright, see you on the next video.