Navigating Adult Dating: A Journey of Self-Discovery, Intention, and Compatibility

Kind of a personal post, but dating as an adult is very inter sante. You literally can have chemistry and sparks and have great conversation and it feels amazing and you go on amazing dates. But then you still gotta sit with yourself because you literally need to be able to fit into each other’s lives somehow. Do they add to my life? Do they create peace for my life? And there’s normal, like, human experiences, but you have to date with such intention as, you know, I’m 37 and I have three kids. And so my thoughts are always like, can this person fit in my world? And my world is a lot of beauty, a lot of travel, a lot of kids stuff. And then I also think, can I fit in their world? How do I say, in their world? Is this the world I wanna be in? Is this the way I want to wake up every day and feel in my body? Because going through a divorce is really hard. You think, oh, I’m gonna be married forever and then you’re not. And that’s weird. But he figured out. And then you start dating and you start dating and you.

Bimo and sometimes dong. I think that something that’s working for me is realizing there’s kind of like a cadence to it. You’ve got to have chemistry, you’ve gotta be mentally compatible. You have to have similar values. And, you know, there’s this thing like future talking. There has to be like some future stuff like planning dates and seeing each other and, you know, making the other person feel wanted and needed and even proximity like are you dating someone where you live? Are you dating someone long distance? It’s just really interesting day and you know, you don’t know, but I was married for so long that all I know is loyalty. But the dating today, I don’t know. I was watching sex in the city. And I also just feel like people maybe used to have like more feelings or everyone today just wants to pretend they don’t have any feelings. I have a lot of feelings. So that’s my total update on what I’ve Learned so far in dating. But it’s fun. I like it.