Dispelling the Myth of Oversaturation in the Virtual Assistant Industry: Opportunities Await for the Qualified Few

If you want to be a virtual assistant, it’s actually too late for you already to become a VA. That’s what the commenter said, that it seems like it’s so hard to become a virtual assistant nowadays. This is how it feels like right now, that it’s so hard and it feels like it’s oversaturated already. But it’s definitely not. Just to give you an idea, was talking to a virtual assistant agency owner based in the UK just a few days ago. And they said that it’s so hard to find qualified virtual assistance. They posted an opening for an executive VA. They received hundreds of applicants, hundreds, 200,300, hundreds of applicants. And just, what, less than 10 are the qualified virtual assistance. Out of those 100 or more app applicants, it may feel like it’s oversaturated because, but it’s not. It’s really not it. That’s because there are a lot of people who are trying, they become a virtual assistant and they keep on applying. That’s why it feels like there’s so many, you have so many competition, but you need to make sure that you stand out amongst all of those other people because again, not everyone is qualified. That’s based on feedback from a lot of VA agencies and recruiters and personal experience as well. So if you want to learn more how you will be better than the rest, follow me.