Embracing the Fire Element: Navigating Anxiety and Unfocus in Summer with Chinese Medicine

If you’re feeling anxious and unfocused during the summer, that’s not all on you. In Chinese medicine, each season is associated with one of the elements, wood, fire, earth, metal and water. Those elements are found in nature, but they’re also found within us. So seasonal energies have a profound impact on your health and mental outlook.

Summer is associated with the fire element in Chinese medicine. At its best, the fire element is relationship oriented and it seeks out joy, fun and love. At its worst, the fire element is chaotic and unpredictable. It’s either a wildfire burning out of control or a pile of ashes. If your fire element is out of balance during the summer, you might have alternating moods of anxiety and depression and feel disconnected and unfocused. Here are some ways to support your fire energy so you can live more in alignment with the season. Embrace the naturally aimless and wandering energy of the summer. Instead of fighting it, allow yourself more fun, freedom and flexibility. Try new things and hang out with people you love. If you’d like to learn more about how summer energy impacts you, check out my blog. It’s LinkedIn. My I’ll.