Exciting Update: Measure Quick App Review and Overview!

I am so excited. Measure quick is back. They brought screenshots back. I never thought I would see the day. I am so excited. Let’s go get our gauges. Go play with it.

Oh, and there’s grid view and a bunch of other stuff. Who cares? We got screenshots back inside down there. There’s like inside measuring return area, return probe and return.

And then on the supply side, measuring supplier side, pressure and supplier and go to grid view. And here’s everything you need all in one. So if you’re doing remote help, you can send just a screenshot of this. Go to profile and set a system. It is a scroll. We fit it for today, the 16 series.

We’re good there. Tsbs, 8 degrees of subcooling, manufacturing point five. So we are all good there to continue, we see here’s our suction pressure, but more importantly, our suction saturated temperature or coil temperature inside. They have our head pressure, which don’t care about. More importantly, our liquid saturated temperature, superheat, Bam, right there.

All done. Subcooling. Little. How much subcooling? A little overcharge. We got 11 degrees of subcooling. Some of my outdoor air temperature is 104.3. Discharge line temperature is 177.

Remember, when you keep that below 225 to stay alive. And next, we got our returner drybulb. Returner web bulb supplier drybulb. Our CFM total of moving 1,957 cubic feet per minute. Our temperature split, our Delta t from the retainer supplier.

I’m removing 21.3 pounds of moisture every hour, 64,000 b to use sensible heat. Reone point five seven latent heat capacity, 22.1 with a sensible heat ratio of point 64.

Haven’t done the amp yet, but here we have my total external static pressure. Bam, right there. Triangle, the top helps you diagnose things. There’s so many other tools that it works with. It has all kinds of different projects we can set up in here. System evacuation.

We got the true flow grid in there, electrical diagnostics in there, quick test apps here we have the NCI Air Max so we can do static pressure testing and investigation, evacuation testing, temperature compensated pressure test. We talked about before our duck leakage screening, like there’s all kinds of things that this thing will do. And now we got screenshots. So now we can actually record and share what we’re doing. So the app is free.

It does have a cost. We’re gonna do system commissioning or make official report. Now when you first set your system up, you hook everything up, you have to add your probes, you have to go to Probe Manager and you have to map them. You have to tell them where everything connects to. I’ve already had mine set up, had it set up for a long time, but you do have to set everything up the very first time can be tricky.

I’m not gonna sugarcoat that. But once you get it set up, it’s absolutely awesome. Anyways, give it a try, see what you think, and let me know. Have a great day.