Review: Knotcha Electric Screwdriver – A Comprehensive Set for DIY Projects and Tech Repair

Gonna be doing a quick little review on this Knotcha electric screwdriver. Check out this awesome case that it comes in. It also comes with a charging cable. Check this out. Little magnet here on top. His father at all 180 pieces. Gas whenever you need one of these, you never can’t find it. Says every single bit that you could possibly need. Comes with two tweezers, little pry bars and a suction cup. I don’t even know what these are used for. It even comes with a little socket and an extender.

Gas is also magnetic, so it’s gonna stick right in there as soon as you put it in, it sticks to this case right here. Have you ever needed a tiny little screwdriver when you’re trying to unscrew screws out of toys for your kids? You got your battery percent down here at the bottom. And when you push the button, it tells you whether you’re unscrewing, are screwing it in right there. And this button right here, I believe changes maybe the torque, but we’re gonna try this out on this transformer right here.

So this is definitely a great buy, guys. I’m not even sure what this button does, but it has every bit that you’re ever gonna need to, you know, take apart, put together your kids toys, work on computers or technology, any of that stuff that you need to work on. Guys, click that orange cart down below. Get you one today. This is a great set. Hundred and eighty pieces.