Setting the Rhythm: A Story of Finding Fun in Type 2 Adventures

This is fun. I’m useless. I know. Useless. Out of 10. How I do. Out of our guests that we’ve had, you were the best. What role do you play within those eighth? I’m setting the rhythm. I’m setting the pace, the stroke length. I’m also the person communicating with the coxin who steers the boat. So I have to kind of translate what I’m feeling to her so that she can set it back to the ready teammate.

No worries on my dad would always tell me that no matter what I’m doing, the most important thing is just to have fun. Like that’s always what he told me. He’d be like, are you gonna have fun today? And I would just be like, yep, that’s what I’m gonna do. Find that like type 2 fun.

Type 2 fun. Yeah, type 2 fun is big in my family. Really big type too. Fun to find. It’s basically like you’re like doing hard things, but you’re like finding something fun in it, you know, like you’re finding fun in the grit and the pain.