Smart Shopping Hack: Getting Free Spanners with UK Delivery Tricks

Got a couple of these small spanners. Really, I need to have. These are and I’m gonna eventually get the set and I don’t pay anything for them, but I do technically, but I don’t. And I’m gonna tell you what I do when on Boyson because I live in the UK.

Normally from TikTok, it’s free delivery in the UK. If you spend over 12 quid. So every time I buy some, if it’s only nine or 10 quid, I’ll buy myself one of these little spanners and then I’ll get free delivery. So rather than paying £3,98 delivery, I get free delivery, which means really I’m getting this span off and nothing. Please come in. I think it’s from 6 mill to 19 mill and I’m eventually gonna get the set. I’ve gone for the 10 mill and the 13 mall to start with cuz that quite common sizes. I think the smallest ones, one pound 59 and the 19 million one is £359. So even if you’ve got an order, what’s £10? All you’ve got to do is buy a couple of the small ones to take it over 12 quid. You’re saving £398. So technically, like I say, you get in these spanners for free. They’re really handy to have. These little stubby spanners are the ratchet on the one end a lot decent quality. I’ve not actually used them yet, but like I said, I’ve actually got them for free. So it’s a no brainer.