Sizing Up: A Comparison between Excel and Original Eyewear

Okay, so the most common question we always get is what is the size difference between the Excel and the original? So this is the original right here. So you can see it’s a bit smaller. It’s designed to be a little bit smaller for a more sophisticated look. And then you have the Excel here, which covers everything up a little bit more. So you can see the temples are out a little bit off to the side of my head. And then you have the lautoners right here, which are a smaller for frame, which accentuate your facial features a little bit more. And then the XLS are just about 10% bigger. And if you want to get some more sun coverage, then go with these. Or if you have a bigger head, get the excels. But here it is again, real quick. So these are the originals right here. And then the excels.