From Financial Struggle to Success: My Journey to Making $20,000 Monthly on TikTok

Hey guys, I’m actually Canadian. I live in Vancouver Island, Canada. And I average about $20,000 every single month just by posting short videos right here on TikTok.

About 15 weeks ago, we were in a bad place. Life just kept coming. I, that’s like the best way I can describe it to everybody, which I, doesn’t make any sense, but I feel like a lot of people can relate to.

And then the worst of all happened. I got the call that my husband was injured at work. He was, he’s always been the main breadwinner in our family. But since we had so much life happen to us, when he got injured at work, we had 34 cents left in our bank account. And now he had no ability to make an income for about seven months, I had seen digital marketing all over my feed. And if I’m gonna be totally honest with everybody, I thought every single person posting motive was absolutely full of . No way where people making that much money and that sort of time. But at that point and where we were at, I would have done anything. I, I would have sold every item that I own if it meant that my kids had food on the table, because that was far more important than any of the stuff that I had. It was a Saturday when my website went live. I made 20 four hundred dollars in 24 hours. The first thing I did was went grocery shopping. I ran to that coffee store and in 14 days, I had made almost $11,000. I know money can’t buy happiness, but I wish you guys could have felt the weight that was lifted off me. And I know a lot of you guys have that weight on you right now. It was like I could breathe for the first time.

I, I s, I s s slept. I felt like I slept for the first time in months. I was wrong for that seven months, telling everybody that they were full of . I could admit when I’m wrong.

I’ve never seen a business model that can provide so much at the same time giving so much back. And since then, it’s, it was just a stepping stone. I’ve created about six streams of income and made more in 15 weeks then I have of two years of what I’d previously done combined.

It’s worth it to get the information, grab the info. And the reality of it is, oh, it really sets this apart from so many other things. Even if you only ever sold one. Even if you only ever sell one freaking course, you make your entire investment back and you haven’t lost out on any money. It’s so doable for people. It’s doable. Very doable. And the knowledge that you learn far, is worth far more than what they sell these courses for. I know this probably resonated with a lot of people. Make the comment 15 weeks from now you could have over $60,000 to pay. Make the comment, you won’t be disappointed.