Building Hope: The Inspiring Story of Mahmoud and Fouad Zach

Hey, friends, today I’d like to talk with you about my friend Mahmoud and his father, Fouad. For the last several months, Mahmud and his father have been helping building shelters and assisting Gaza Gobra with their various efforts in bringing aid into Gaza. They themselves live in this tent in Dear Albala alongside many of their other family members. Their home was assured in late 2023, and they have been sheltering ever since. Their living conditions continue to decline with fresh food becoming harder to find and concerns of diseases like polio rise.

I’ve partnered with Operation Olive Branch to help raise funds for the Zach family, aiding their survival and hopeful eventual evacuation. This is a family who has already done so much for the people in their community, even during their times of grief and crisis. Now I’m hoping all of us, their global community, can come together to help them. If just 8% of my followers generated $5 or more to the Zach Family Go Fund me, they would reach their goal. So please visit my page to donate and to learn more about how to help the Zach family. And as always, free Palestine.