Venus in the Same Element: Understanding Compatibility and Love Languages

If you and your partner have Venus in the same element, this means that you tend to be on the same page when it comes to what you need a relationship and how you show love. And you see these things in each other. Your love languages tend to align, especially if you have Venus in the same exact sign in a degree that’s very close to the other, because that would mean that Venus is conjunct Venus in your sinister chart, which kind of amplifies this energy. But what you value in relationships is going to be similar. So there’s less explaining that has to go on. There’s less compromise that has to go on. And depending on the element that Venus is in, it will tell you more about the style of your relationship. For example, Venus and a firesign can be a very passionate, adventurous relationship. Venus in a water sign can be a very empathetic, sensitive relationship. Of course, it’s best to look at your entire chart, your entire sinistry chart when you’re doing compatibility. So for compatibility reading, I do offer those. The link is in my bio.