Unleashing the TikTok Shop Seller: How to Make Money Without a Following

Oh, believe me, I’m teaching every single one y’all for free how to make a boatload of money on TikTok without even having a following. I know I’ve been bombarding you guys with ads, but you have to understand I’m trying to hone my craft in the process of pushing a product successfully. The reason why is there’s no money and commission. None. Don’t let anybody tell you different.

You see these lies with these old inflated numbers. I made $40,000 last month. It’s cuz they had one viral video. They wasn’t even that good. They just got lucky and it went viral. And they’re convinced their experts in the field, if they were experts in the field and they were real hustlers, they wouldn’t be working for commission because that’s worker b .

You wanna be a boss and if you wanna be a boss, you need to be a TikTok shop seller. I know when you hear the word seller, y’all actually think you guys store 1,000 boxes of inventory in your living room and you can barely see your TV or you gotta have this large amount of money to start up. You don’t need any of that. All you need is a knowledge of how to do it. First, you create your shop, then you go to these several websites that actually sell for free shipping. You take one of the products off that website and you post it in your shop. You do not have to have the inventory. Once somebody buys it to your TikTok shop, then you just go to that website, purchase the product, and have them drop ship it to your customer.

I’m still in the process of figuring the ins and outs of this program right now. I’m still in affiliate, I’m still working for a commission, I’m still a worker be, but I got a boss’s mentality. But I gotta get good at pushing products that way. Once I do get my own shop, I don’t even have to pay people commission to sell my products. I can push my own products with my own shop and I can make all the money. The difference is when you’re working for commissioning, you get a video that goes viral, you can make 20 to 40,000. If you are the seller and your video goes viral, you can make 200 to 400,000. That’s big time . If you’re thinking cash, I can’t shoot videos. I’m not any good at that stuff. You don’t have to be. Then you can pay people. You can reach out to creators that you think would be good for your product and you can offer them a higher commission. Yeah, you won’t make as much money, but you’ll still make way more money than you would just working by commission yourself. Give me time, guys. Let me figure this thing out. And within a month, I will have you a full program of how I did it and I’ll share it completely for free.