The Ultimate 1 to 8 Scale Lego Hype Card: A Detailed Review of the McLaren Technic Set

This is the best 1 to 8 scale hype card that Lego has ever made. It is absolutely amazing. Let me get it off the wall and show you why. Okay, so firstly, it’s just well covered. So obviously I have the full collection of the 1 to 8 scale soup cars here. And if we start on the Porsche, right, look how many gaps there is. And the gap is a bit better. The Lamborghini is quite a lot better, and the Ferrari is quite a lot better than that. And then the McLaren is even better than the Ferrari, which is already pretty good.

But then again, if we are comparing it, this is so much more sturdy considering it’s a 400 pound large Technic set. This is one of the most fragile Lego sets I’ve ever made. And the Lamborghini is not too far behind it. But this is sturdy and actually it just works so well.

Now the coolest thing about this car is the rear wing. So we twist this, of course, the doors open up really nicely. And unlike what I found in some of the other cars, these doors, as you can see, they stay up unsupported. I found that especially in the Ferrari, they sort of tended to fall down and didn’t hold themselves up to. Of course, we do get a little bit of luggage in here. We know the headlights are not great, like it’s too small. I don’t know why they’ve gone with this, but I can forgive them because the rest of the details are incredible. The engine, I think maybe a tad hidden. I would like to have seen the engine a little bit more. The wheels are actually really good. They’re one of my favorite parts of the. They just look incredible that I feel like they’re super simple, like they’re nothing too special in regards to like the color and everything. But when they’re on the car, they just look really perfect.

To be honest, before filming this video, I did try and think some more bad things to say about it, but I really struggle. I mean, what I don’t know why this is here. Same on the other side. There’s these orange technique pins that just kind of stick up and look a little bit ugly. But another thing that I think they’ve really improved on this car is the lack of these flexible hose pieces.

But I think this one here is actually quite tasteful. And obviously you got these at the front, which I do not like cuz again, the headlights don’t look great. Now, another great thing about the set is obviously there’s no stickers. All of these parts are printed pieces. You got this. So you got the McLaren logo on the wheels, you got the McLaren logo on the brake pads as well. So yeah, overall is an absolutely brilliant car. So let’s get this hung back up on the wall. So there is hung up on the wall. And of course, if you’re interested in Walmart in your Lego like you can see behind me, check out Brick Phi store where you can get all the Walmarts that I use. Of course, if you saw my video before, you’ll know that Lego sent me this for free. So massive thank you to Lego. Absolutely.