Navigating Through Trials and Prayers for a Kingdom Spouse

Listen, when you are fasting and praying for this Kingdom spouse, you need to understand the hard part is when you’re fasting. That’s the faith test. After the fast, that’s the endurance test. That’s where you’re gonna get hit with everything that you learn during that fast. So you wanna pray for that person. You wanna bind their mother and father wounds. You wanna pray off all of the disobedience they have towards God. Okay. They belong to the kingdom of darkness for some of them. And when you’re praying and asking God to intercede and fight, they’re gonna come back with some retaliation.

So yeah, now you might see them with a counterfeit. Now you might hear about them going on dates. Now you might get discouraged. Now you may see them moving to another country now you may see them doing different things that looks like the plan that God promised you is not gonna come to pass and you have to make a decision. And this is the hard part.

You gotta make up in your mind, I choose not to be offended. It is almost impossible to offend me. I choose to walk by faith and not by sight. I know how to take a hit, but I can choose if this is a hit or not. I know that this is just a counter attack. I know that this is the enemy trying to punk me out of what rightfully belongs to me. And I’m gonna pray my way through this. Not only that, but this process will break up your fantasy. One thing that happens when you find out who your person is and you get really excited, it’s called fantasy of the mind, maladaptive daydreaming.

Now, you guys know that I’m a therapist. I have a master’s in marriage and family therapy. When you have childhood trauma that is unresolved, you tend to do a lot of fantasizing, daydreamings. You want a 90s type of love. You want your love story to be like the movies. You want something that was 90 minutes when god wants to give you a covenant that can last for 90 years. So you want to be able to posture yourself and say, I’m breaking up with my fantasy. I’m not controlling how this story is gonna go, but what I can control is my prayers and my reaction. God is gonna break up how much time you escape, which is called escape ism. You escape reality, you escape from a handle your problems, your bills. You think that this person is gonna solve all these problems. And I’m here to tell you, God goes to war without idols. So sometimes this pain is necessary. So you’ll stop idolizing marriage and this person, this pain is necessary so that you come out with a stronger heart. This pain is necessary to get rid of your false armor. This pain is necessary so that you can keep out marriage demons. There are different ranks of demons, and marriage demons come on assignment to destroy what got put together. But what you have to also watch out for is the prayer points. Alright, do you want Part 19? Click the link of my bio and I put out some prayer points that you need to pray for every day. It’s available now for a limited time and it’s free, but I’ll go deeper in the mentorship program. So the marriage preparation program, I’ll go deeper there. But if you want part 19, come in. Part nineteen.