Decoding the Real Issue with Coffee Dates: Are they Really Worth Your Time?

What’s the real issue with coffee dates? I think coffee dates are literally the best first date when you have that self esteem about yourself. You don’t do coffee dates, darling. And someone is, someone has the audacity to invite you on a first date for coffee. Bring your friend so they know it’s not a date either. Okay, it’s a meet and greet. If you want a day, if you want me alone, if you want me to take this effort and time to come out of my busy schedule to meet you, make it worth my while. If this lady would have, you know, frequented Starbucks on the daily, she would have automatically said, you know, I’ve already been there today. You know, can we do something else? Can we go to a bar? Can we go for tapas, sushi, something? Seriously, girls, you, if you go on a coffee date for the first date or meet and greet, don’t even go for coffee. So you know what? Let’s just meet at a parking lot because that’s the same thing.

Coffee dates is like, you know what? Basically it’s what went saying, I don’t know if I’m ready to spend money on you yet, meaning I don’t know if you’re worth it yet. If you don’t know I’m worth it by now, then you’ll never know.