Unveiling Underwater Gymnastics: My Gold Medal Journey

Hey, guys, I finally made it home. I’m sorry. I feel like I haven’t posted a video in forever, but like the Olympics was really strict on when I could post and stuff. So I just didn’t. Now that I’m back home, I would let you do like a quick little story time. Get ready with me video to tell you guys how it went. If you guys can’t tell, I did get gold. So it went good. But I had literally so many people messaging me, asking me how it was going because they couldn’t broadcast my event on television. The reason for this is since my sport is all the way underwater, they always have a really hard time getting cameras that are like all the way waterproof, especially in other countries. And since my event isn’t broadcasted on TV, a lot of people say that they’ve never heard of underwater gymnastics. Basically, it’s just like regular gymnastics, but it’s under the water. We do everything that regular gymnasts do, except everything is underwater, so we have to hold our breath. Oh, and the only other difference is that the Volt where they like jump, we do that, but we do it like on a platform like divers and we go into the water and that’s actually how we enter the water every single time. Like.