Nourishing Day: Maintaining 60 Pound Weight Loss with Insulin-Resistant PCOS – A Food Diary

There’s everything I eat in a day to maintain my 60 pound weight loss and keep my insulin resistant PCOS. Intermission this morning, I had my usual kettle and firebone broth. I had one cup of the beef flavor today. Then I made an iced coffee with the Dolce pod from Nespresso and I added some raw milk. I’m still trying to reduce my caffeine consumption. It’s not working too well, but I plan to do 30 days without caffeine very soon. Okay, I just need to go one day without caffeine and I should be okay. Then I fried up some eggs and top them with lots of butter because I was lazy and didn’t wanna make anything else for breakfast.

I spent my afternoon packing for a trip and then I went swimming, even though it was gloomy outside, but the water was warm. And oh, look at my garden, ironically enough for growing vegetables. But I think it’s exciting and cute. And I love that my dad, like, built this little thing.

Later for dinner, I made chicken thighs and had some smoked rainbow trout with it. And then I used the leftover drippings that came off the chicken as dipping sauce. For more guidance on how to start eating just like this, so that you can lose weight effortlessly and heal your body from the inside out. Just go to the link in my bio and get my completely free beginner’s guide that has all the details.