Ayurvedic Techniques for Lymphatic Drainage and Facial Rejuvenation

Let me know if you get a release or a drainage down the back of your throat when you put pressure on these four trigger points. These special points are called Marma points in our beta, and they are so good for helping with lymphatic drainage in your face as well as dark circles and puffiness around your eyes. By the way, if you’re new here, my name’s Jennifer. I’m a certified ayurvedic practitioner helping women move through Perry menopause and menopause symptom free. So if you’re looking for a natural approach, check out the link in my bio. There’s a free master class there and follow for daily tips. Okay, what we’re gonna start with, let me move my bangs out of the way here. Alright, there we go. Okay, so we wanna pinch our eyebrows. Oh, this feels heavenly. This is so good if you suffer from headaches.

All right, the next point is right here, kind of right where your eyebrow meets your nose. Now you want to put fairly firm pressure, but if it hurts, just be gentle. And you want to do 10 circles, I like to do them clockwise. The next point is where you feel that indentation, 10 circles clockwise. This is a big energetic point in Ayurveda. And after I show you this fourth point, make sure you do the final step to help everything drain in the final spot. You just wanna lightly press here, not hard. Your eye area is so sensitive. Just gently press for 10 seconds. All right. This is the step that causes everything to release. So you wanna open up here first and then come up to your eye, gently tap around your eye, and then tap a little bit harder as you come down, neck down. You can do that three times. I like to do one side at a time, but you can do both at the same time. If you’re short for time. Let me know in the comments if you got that drainage down your throat, maybe your nose watered or maybe you coughed. If you’re wondering what all that stuff is, it’s just lymphatic congestion that is finally being released. You can do this every day. Alright, beautiful ones. If you’re looking for more support during this time of life, you can click the link in my bio to schedule free call. Much love and have an amazing day.