Ultimate Life Hack: Organizing Soda Cans Like a Pro!

Crazy busy mama. Life hack. Well, it’s official. Life hack. He’s gonna show us the six year old teenagers gonna show. Okay, so if you ever have like a pack of soda, so this is Sprite, obviously you wanna open it like you normally do. You open it inside here, just like this, right? And then you open the other side. Don’t do that. Okay, don’t do that. Yep, yep. Okay. So make sure, hold on the first part of the hack is to make sure upright. Yes. Okay, make sure it’s upright. And then we open the other side just like this. Yeah, right. And you take it. Yeah, hold it from both sides so they don’t fall. Yeah, put it. Hold on. Put it right in there. I gotta watch it in your fridge. Yeah, right there. This is the all my fridge is a big enough. You just want to hold it here enough. Yeah, you just pull out, you know, I’ll go right at just like that. Okay. Okay. Impressive. Oh my gosh, the biggest life. I should have to take them out one by one. Look at that. Alright, Dang. Professor Life act. Thanks, buddy. Now that’s a Destin family VK Life act. It’s right.