The Agonizing Journey of a World Record Attempt: Battling Through Cramps and Persistence in Pursuit of Perfection

You can really say whatever you want about my world record attempt because, yes, I did fail the attempt. But making over 5,000 threes at 91% over the whole attempt with my body feeling the way that it was feeling is absolutely insane because the cramps got me. I’m not gonna lie. And it really goes to show you that you can prepare and train for everything, but you can never tell what your body is actually gonna do on the attempt day. Because not only did I have to deal with one cramp, I had to deal with a cramp in my calves, back, tricep, forearm, quads, all at the same time, which, yes, super unfortunate. And you can say I quit. You can say I gave up, but I don’t wanna hear it until some of you actually go out and try to do this yourself.

In the world of sports, this is by far the hardest thing that I’ve ever attempted to put my body through, and I’ve done it twice now. And yes, I failed both attempts. I’m not trying to say that I didn’t, but I shot 89% on both of those temps combined. I was willing to try this and try again. You can never truly expect how your body is gonna react to something like this.