Respecting Feelings: Addressing Emotional Hurt in Friendships

If we’re friends that we’re having an issue and you just so happen to like hurt my feelings. That’s not the time for you to tell me that I’ve hurt your feelings in the past. I promise you, but you will never hear from me ever to again. Because while two things can be simultaneously true at once, you had every inch, ounce and way of opportunity to express that to me before I expressed myself to you. This is not a, a spade as a spade scenario. You don’t get to hurt my feelings and then basically tell me that I did the same thing to you to excuse your behavior. Like I’m so tired of that . I’m over it. Honestly, if you can’t tell me what the I said to you, hurt your feelings. Why we’re still cool when we’re still cool. Don’t bring that up now to invalidate my feelings because invalidating how I’m currently feeling about you to get your point across is crazy to me. Cut that out cuz I don’t play by my feelings. I’m sorry. I just, I really just don’t.