Title suggestion: Critiquing School Events and Setting the Record Straight: A Reflection on Education Culture

This is y’all love from Fentage Tutor, a class above the rest. And if you have been on Reddit recently, you would have known about this thread where this guy who refused to name the school claims that recently they had a raid event, they have a music festival. The students themselves put up a performance in terms of singing, dancing, and even just a live band. However, he said, performance was subta. There were people from elsewhere, and therefore you all should study harder to get into a better JC. And then you have better events. Where do I start? I’m not going to sit here and virtual signal and pretend like I’m the good guy and saying that.

You perform a child and all that. You’re.

Right. All these are your friends, they are your schoolmates and you probably should give them a chance. However, I’m also the firm believer that if something is not done well enough, there should be improvements made for the subsequent batches. And to be honest, I half agree with him and half disagree with him. He is right. They need to improve, but he is also wrong for coming on to Reddit and posting all this thing about the school and bring them down. Anyway, when you go through a public forum like Reddit and put everything up there, you make it seem like it’s the general consensus of the school, and therefore, a lot of people are going to look down on the school and see them in a bad light. What you could have done instead is simply go through the proper channels, maybe go and talk to some of the performers, mini go and talk to some of the student counselors and tell them what you feel could have been done better. And I’m sure they’re ready to welcome the feed and then you would have done something great. You have made the event better for the future generation. You would have made the school culture a lot better and you would be one of the reason for it.

And I think what really struck a chord with a lot of the creditors is you say that all these students need to start study harder so that they can get into a better JC. Someone implying that this JC is simply just horrible to me, it’s precisely because of people like you. That’s why some people out there look down on Adjace’s, the lower cut off point. Believe it or not, all these inferior JCS that you’re talking about, their tutorial materials are one of the better ones. I would like to use them for my own classes. I would like to use them as reference to create my own self questions. And it’s your kind of mentality that makes it so toxic to be in so called inferior or neighborhood JCS. You seem to blame the culture. You seem to blame everybody around you except yourself. You seem to look down on the entire culture of the school. You seem to look down on the materials of the school. You seem to look down on the teachers of the school just because of the inferior cutoff point. You know what? As a chemist, let’s do a thought experiment. Let’s actually twist this around. Imagine if your principle behave like you. Look at the.

Terrible results of my students in this json comparing to my friends, my colleagues, what principles of beta JCS? When do I get to this item? But instead, what do I get? Oh, why needed a pitch like this guy? I’m ready.

Imagine school, miss, behave like you. My.

God, look at my friends from other JC and the people they surround themself with, all the IP students, all the people who done well for their O levels. Look at how hard they study, what good influence they are. And most importantly, look at how they’re able to refer each other to this tutor.

Card, Yola from Fantasier, a class above the rest.

And somehow manage to get him to become their tutor. Whereas, what did I get? A little .

And I will be very lucky to be a part of it and I will be incredibly grateful for it. Yes, there’ll be room for improvement, but that doesn’t take away the whole event and the joy that you brought to some of your friends. And you know what? If really the singers are that bad, the band is that bad, you know who to invite and really just enjoy the short ride that it is in JC. Nothing else. This seller from Vantage Tutor, a class above the rest.