Strategic Advice: A Simple Yet Impactful Solution to Save a Business

Okay, I’m gonna tell you today about how I help to director, I think probably save his business. And it didn’t cost him a penny. And it cost me about 10 minutes. I was happy to invest in it. So I got a call yesterday, a lovely guy, had a decent little business, got behind with some Pai and VAT, really through no fault of his own. It happens from time to time in business, but the HMRC have come out and gone, right, we want this in three months. Now, when I spoken to him, he’s basically the three months, he’s gonna put too much pressure on his cash flow. So I said, go back, speak to somebody on the phone at HMRC and renegotiate that time to pay arrangement right now, at least over 12 months, if not longer.

Okay, this guy did not pay me for the advice. I was happy to give it to him. And I know that’s gonna give his business the breathing space to hopefully get back on a financial footing. Reach out today.