Duct Tape Lock-Picking: A DIY Guide to Unlocking Your Door in a Pinch

Use tape to unlock your door.

Okay, so I got locked out of my house and I found this roll of duct tape is laying around in the backseat of my car. Really? So what I’m gonna do? I learn this trick from my husband. Actually. He does this all the time cuz he gets luck out, right?

Karaoke with you.

I’m gonna connect it all the way to my little lock right here. Do you see that?

Now, what if you don’t have that on your door?

Right there? Cutting a piece just like that. This happens in an instant. It’s super fast. So just watch carefully. Okay?

I’m watching carefully.

Just like that. You really want to connect it here to make it a little bit. That did.

Happen in an instant. You didn’t lie, but like, are you gonna actually like.

Open the door to really make sure that this is going to work? Alright, I’ve seen him do this multiple times. It’s actually very fascinating. Okay, do you see how this follows up all the.

Way up here? I do. We see it. Let’s get on with this. Open.

Your door. Okay. See how this door, it’s so, it’s locked. I can’t get in. It’s so up.

Yeah, it’s locked. Sis, you locked it on your way out and they wanna make you don’t have your cage at.

All. That’s on you. Pull this out. It’s gonna unlock instantly. Watch. Okay, a lot of people don’t know this trick. I’ve seen it all keep.

Saying that it’s gonna unlock instantly and it’s so far it’s not unlocked. I’m.

Making like this rope with this tape, right? What I wanna do really cover this just like that.

You just already did that. We’re gonna.

Pull one, two, three. It’s gonna pop and unlock right now. All right. Okay.

I’m ready. Let’s go. You said right now means right now.

Loose. It’s not gonna work. You really wanna make sure it’s secure. Good. And.

This, do you know what right now means?

Okay. And then.

Right now means like right.

Now, yeah, another piece of tape. You’re doing another piece of tape. Come over here. Oh, no, underneath right here. Okay. Do you see that? Yes, haitena. Perfect. Just like that. So that there’s a good grip. Once you unlock, once you pull, it’s gonna unlock the store. You’re.

Just like forcing watch the door to unlock. I don’t think this would work. Well. Duct tape is not that strong. Sticks are you gonna.

Do it at the door? Just like that. So when you pull.

You kept saying right now. And so far you have not opened it right.

Now all at once? No.

I’m losing my patience. My patience is being.

Lost. You really watch, guys, watch. I’m gonna. I’ve been watching. You can tell me to watch it around over here. I’m gonna lose my mind. Open the door. This is the first time I’m actually doing this, but let me open it.