Navigating the Maze of Misinformation: A Critical Perspective on Beliefs and Truths

You know, the saddest thing to me about people that still believe that we spin on a magical spinning ball of water, the saddest thing about it is there are people that are still being swayed by bot comments. You know what a bot is, right? There are literally bot farms that it’s just AI generated bots that are designed to steer your opinions. And it works still because you have people that are like, have full blown conversations with robots.

I see it all the time on my page. All you have to do is click onto their page and you can clearly see whether it’s a real person or not. And what else is interesting too is if you’re a guy or a girl and you wanna lose some weight, right, you want to, you know, I gotta get in better shape. Say you go to the gym, you don’t know how to do anything, though, right? And you have some extra cash laying around. So you decide, I’m gonna get a trainer to help me because I don’t know what I’m doing. Are you gonna pick the trainer that is a complete slob and weighs 500 pounds and looks how you don’t wanna look, or are you going to pick a guy or a girl or whoever that wants to, that looks how you wanna look? Is that what you’re gonna do?

Because it’s interesting because most of the people, most of the globe trolls that I find on here, the comments that I get, I will take the time to click on their profile and watch a couple videos of theirs. I do it. I take the time to do it because I’m here to help people. I do this social media for free. I don’t monetize these pay. I don’t monetize this. I’m a website. And yeah, I have a couple of things on there and I accept donations and I sell a couple of t shirts with like, you know, spaces fake and NASA logos with a snake tongue through it. I sell stuff like that. But honestly, this I think is one of the first videos that I actually have mentioned it because I’m not here to push my products for money because honestly, I don’t really care that much about money. I’m not gonna lie. Like I, as long as my fiance and I have enough to get by, to make sure our bills are paid, to make sure we have electricity, then I’m straight.

You know, because I set myself up in a way that I don’t have to worry about money. I bought a house that was very inexpensive. It was a fixer upper. It needed a lot of work. But I have a lot of licenses, a lot of CER, you know, different certification. So I fixed it up. You know, we took some walls down. We made some rooms bigger. We did some things. We gutted the whole place. So we were able to buy a house for super cheap, you know, like $110,000 in Connecticut, which is one of the more expensive places in this country. So, and it’s in a really nice little town. So my point is if you set yourself up for success, then you don’t have to stress out about money. And how was I able to do that? Well, for one thing, we, we saved because we don’t buy dumb things. We don’t waste our money. Cuz I don’t believe in any this nonsense anymore. I used to, we used to spend money. I used to spend money on night really nice clothes and put money into everything, buying dumb things that mean nothing. I don’t do it anymore. I don’t do it. We don’t have 19 streaming channels. We don’t have a million deficit. We have, we don’t. I used a free movie channels on the online, on our TV, all the free ones, because I’m not paying all these companies to watch movies. I’m sorry. It’s ridiculous, mo. Half of them suck anyway, so we do that. We watch DVDs because you can buy them for 50 cents. And we really don’t watch movies anyway because we usually read a lot and we do projects. We have kids. We play sports. We go outside. We do things. We build things. We do the tilapia farm that I have down here. We raise chickens. We do real things. We play. Everyone in my house plays at least three instruments. Everyone, including our stepdaughter, my stepdaughter who is deaf, 100% deaf. We all play instruments, which who I taught everyone. So now we all have a band. We do things we don’t sit around and watch movies. So I’m just saying be careful who you are associating with and who you are trusting and who you are believing.

Look at the comments. I go in and check out profiles, and nine out of 10 times the people that you’re arguing with, you would not take advice from if they paid you to. So just look at their profile. I mean, literally nine out of 10 times you’ll go on there and it’ll just be some just clueless human that is just light years behind.

I mean, I, it’s truly tragic and I pray for these people. I really do. I pray because I, for a long time I thought like, man, they’re MPCs or they’re just slow. But they’re not, man. They’re not because I was a Glober just like you. We didn’t come out the, you know, we didn’t come out the womb believing this, that the earth is flat. We had to learn this. We had to learn it. It took a long time. It took years because we have been lied to. They crammed the globe model, the heliocentric lie down our throat. Since we’re babies, of course we’re gonna believe it. And I don’t know why people have such a hard time with that. And why do they do it? Because if you can get someone to believe in a big ass lie, you can get them to believe anything. That’s, it’s No. 1. Mentalism. What you perceive is you, becomes your reality. That’s it. It’s that simple. It’s not a big deal. People, oh, why would they ever do that? That makes no sense. It makes a lot of sense. They lie to us about everything. Nothing is, nothing we were ever told is real. You really think Benjamin Franklin discovered electricity with a kite on a string? You really think Christopher Columbus came over here, discovered America in 1492 when he sailed the ocean blue. You really think that all of our history comes with cute little nursery rhymes just by chance? Give me a break. It’s so embarrassing, honestly. Even like our 1800s, all of our history is total nonsense. So the Cowboys and Indians are doing all this stuff, the gunfight at the okay corral, all this awesome, amazing stuff. I don’t buy it anymore. I’m I’m really not I’m not even buying that story because you know why? Because they turned an entire town, Tombstone, Arizona, into theater. So you can go there, you can pay, you can stay there, you can watch the gun fight at the OK corral. We, yeah, I mean, really. So Le, let me guess. So in like a couple of years, are we gonna pay money to go watch the Twin Towers fall again? We’re gonna have 911 remakes. Like, I mean, give me a break or we probably will cuz we all know that story most likely was not what we were told. I mean, give me a break. You know, how many videos have you seen now with bombs going off? Clearly before, right before it fell was a planned demolition. Clearly. I mean, you, do you remember how they caught these guys, right? They found their passports on the ground. That’s true. You remember that? You know, that’s how they id the people that took the airplane over, right? They found their passports on the ground after. Really? Not to mention they found a plane engine like three blocks away. And it wasn’t even the right engine. Whoever put it there put the wrong plane engine. There’s so many lies with that story, not to mention the footage you see of a missile hitting the Pentagon from ground level, going straight flat to the ground. How does an airplane do that? That’s crazy. It must. Came in really low. Came in low and just flew straight and flat, I guess. I don’t know. That was weird, that whole thing was bold. And I’m pretty sure we all know it at this point. So you can keep believing in your nonsense, but I tell you what, it’s not gonna do anything for you, I promise you. That’s the lockdown. This is for your entertainment. and i love you all。