Exploring the World of Christianity with CS Lewis: A Journey through Study and Learning Resources

Come with me to do my Bible study. So I gather all of my supplies and go sit down at our dining room table. I grab my Bible, my highlighters, and I just read a couple of chapters from my Bible reading plan as well as a chapter from whatever book that I’m reading at the time. CS Lewis’s books have always been highly recommended to me. And this is the first one I’m reading. And I knew that Hillsdale College offered a CS Lewis course on Christianity, as well as over 40 other free online courses. And I’m super excited to learn more about Christianity and CS Lewis through this course. You wanna learn more about CS Lew on Christianity, Ancient Christianity, the story of Genesis, the story of exodus or any of these other free, amazing courses that Hillfield College has offer. Go to hillsale dot edu slash Jake Majulia to sign up now.