The Weightlifting Challenge with Simon: A Little Girl’s Determination for the Weightlifting Hooks

You’re a little girl. If you could deadlift more than me, I’ll give you these weightlifting hooks. Why are you interacting myself, Simon? That serious? You don’t look like you worked out that much. But why are you interrupting my son? Anyways, go in these free hooks, weightlifting hooks from demos. What do you want for this? If you have to deadlift more than me, you get them for free today. Alright? But you don’t to do percentage, like percentage body weight lifted. Yeah, let’s go. I have crazy forms. So happy for you. As much as you look like you weigh 1:30. I know you don’t. Boy, you remember when I was talking about a zoo percentage? Now you’re dragging it. Now you’re driving me. It’s too light for me. Little girls, stop trying. You’re not gonna get it. But just keep working harder and use these hooks from demos. And maybe next time, like I’ll let you keep them. Maybe next time you get to my level, I wasn’t gonna give it to you. Anyways, one to get out of my face. You see? Can I have the mic at least? Nah, I make videos too. It could be useful, right?