Banana Beef Bowl Recipe with Cinnamon and Honey: A Deliciously Unique Twist on Ground Beef

I might make everyone try my banana beef bowls for ground beef. Banana, cinnamon and honey. Are you ready to be full? While the beef is cooking, I’m gonna add cinnamon. This is Ryan. I take your bananas, but now we’re gonna add B to the ball. All right, y’all, this is how it’s looking. This is the 85% lean. This is the 93. Nothing good is good. Alright, next day. Okay, so can I ask why the brief? Is it like, no, it’s okay. It’s okay. So is it is not out of 10,5,5,7? All right. Maybe little salt sweetener. All right, she’s gonna try what? Hot sauce. Yeah, eating it up. My hearing like eating it up. Hi, John. Put. So add hot salt. Yes. Yeah.