Dunkin’ Donuts Elite Order: The Most Delicious Drink Combo and Munchkins Review

This is the most delicious Duncan order that I get, and I’m gonna put you guys on it. American. Hi, I have a mobile order for Natalie. Good morning. Yes, good. How are you? Thank you, sir. Have a good day.

The most delicious Duncan order, you guys. This is one of my top three. It hits every time. So what you’re gonna order is a medium iced coffee, two butter pecan swirls, two hazelnut shots. The hazelnut shots are unsweetened, so you could do, sometimes I do three hazelnut shots if I’m really in the mood for it to cream, and then a shot of espresso. The shot of espresso is optional, but I’m telling you, it’s a game changer. This drink is so good. You guys, trust me, order it. I promise you. If you like butter, pecan and hazelnut, this drink is elite, the best.

And then I also got Munchkins. I’ve never had their Munchkins before. I only got a three count. So we’ll see how those go. Also on Mondays, if you order through the mobile app, you get 100 bonus points. So that’s what I did today. Don’t miss out on the bonus points. Happy Monday, you guys. Cheers.