Taking on Junk Fees: Advocating for Transparency and Consumer Savings in Ticket Sales

Can’t wait to get these tickets for the big game. The Brewers are hot right now and I’ve been super excited to go watch them play. I’ve been saving up for this. Wait, where did these junk fees just come from? Did you know in 2023 alone, junk fees on ticket sales added up to $7 billion? Junk fees might seem small, but they add up fast. They affect all of us, whether we’re buying a concert ticket or booking a flight. These hitting costs are hurting consumers everywhere. We need to ban junk fees once and for all. Join me in supporting policies passed by the current administration that fight against junk fees and put money back into our pockets, every penny in our pocket matters these days. These efforts will allow Americans to continue doing the things they love. Like traveling to a new foreign country, going to a Giants game or even going to see Taylor Swift live. Not to mention saving up for the big things like buying a house. Americans should be more informed about policies to ban hidden junk fees and how much money they can save. Read more in the link in my bio.