Title: Travel Hack: How I Scored a $5 First Class Ticket to Miami with a Travel Credit Card

Alright, y’all. So today I’m coming to y’all with the travel hack. Make sure to get a travel credit card, y’all. This is not financial advice, but I just booked a one way ticket to Miami for $5 with my miles. And on top of that, I got upgraded to first class free of charge. So when you have a basically a travel card, like I have a Delta MX card and the one I have is the platinum one. So whenever that there are comfort plus or first class seats available, it automatically gets you upgraded to a first class seat. So that’s what I was able to do this time around on top of traveling to Miami for just $5, I do have a layover in Salt Lake City. So I’m traveling first class to Salt Lake City and then I got comfort plus to Miami. But still, I’ll take that as a win.

Y’all have any questions, make sure to drop them down in the comment section. And you know, always, you can always join the live and ask me any questions there too. Love you.