Boundaries, Expectations, and Motivations: Lessons from Preschool and Relationships

When I was in pre K, this one time, the teacher was trying to make sure that we were coloring inside of the lines. And so she was walking around the classroom as everybody in the class was coloring. Anyone who called inside the lines, she gave us a sticker. I, however, was having a tough time coloring in the sidelines. So she kept saying, okay, I’m gonna come back, try again. Make sure you call inside aligns this time, and then I’ll give you your sticker. But again, I was having a tough time and then I don’t know, she just felt bad for me or what, but she ended up just giving me the sticker anyway, despite the fact that I was not coloring inside the lines. After she did that, I lost all motivation to even try because I got what I wanted. I got the sticker. What’s the point of even trying anymore? Why do I need to prove myself to my teacher that I can color inside the lines when I got everything I wanted? Stop giving these men prizes for nothing.

You’ve had his baby. He moved in with him. You go on tour with him and, you know, have businesses with him. What is the point of him marrying you now? He has everything he wants. These men will not buy an entire cow when they are already getting the milk for free.