A Day in the Life of a Volleyball Coach: Gear Setup, Practice, and Team Bonding!

Sunday you guys about 12 10 I just got to the arena we have a lunch and then one practice and that’s it so why don’t you spend the day with me. Gumprint access is a big slay. I just love every day coming into this new office. It’s just so big and beautiful and bright I’m so blessed I love it so much. The facility’s finished taking down the goals in the practice gym so it’s almost ready for volleyball practice. Okay the girls are doing some servant pass. I am gonna go work on setting their gear out while they’re practicing. This is all of their gear that I have and each cubby is for a different player. They’re gonna come pick it up so I think I’m just gonna lay it all out on the inline here grab their stuff and go. Normally I would put it in their backpack or their duffel bag but those aren’t here yet and I really just want to get this gear out to them so they can have it. I finished all of these. I’m about a quarter of the way through so I’m gonna keep pushing through. I’m bringing everything out using this basket which is really helpful. Okay I’m doing my last athlete. Done laying everything out. Now I’m gonna go through and make sure I didn’t miss anything. I already spotted a couple knee pads that I’m missing and a couple pairs of socks so I’m gonna fill that stuff in. Definitely want to make sure they all get more of these game socks so I’m gonna do these first. Now all the gear is done. Go through these boxes and organize my extra sizes. I’m getting a watch set into practice and then do gear day with the team. Came out from the gear closet. They’re done with volleyball and now they’re playing this little game. We catered dinner from this local place called Jpedal. They have like poke bowls. That is the end of the day. See you guys later. Bye!