Behind the Scenes: A Day in the Life of a Volleyball Coach

Morning you guys, the team has practice today, so let’s get ready together. I’ve not gotten ready all week, so I thought I would do a little bit of makeup today. Just have one practice at two o’clock. It’ll probably last anywhere from two and a half to three hours, and then dinner and that’s it. So pretty chill day today for volleyball. And then tonight I’m also planning to hang out with our strength coach and our technical coordinator’s wife and our athletic trainer to have a little girls night. Volleyball so far has been going pretty good. We have two practices every day, one session in the morning. That’s more of individuals and skill training. We have a team session in the afternoon. One lighter skill practice and then one really fun six on six practice. Girls are crushing it, obviously at volleyball. They’re very good at volleyball. And just their mindset and their encouragement of each other on the court is just really cool to watch. You have a ginormous home stand at the beginning of the season. For home, I think end matches in a row or something crazy like that. I was like, why do I feel so less stressed this preseason? Because I’m not planning a bunch of trips right now. I seriously have no trips to plan, so it’s so nice. Next week, our student manager, Abby, comes back for the semester. She’s kind of my assistant, so I’m really excited to have her back with me. I feel like I’m gonna be able to get like three times the amount of work done. Guys have seen our new office space. I’m like so excited about how much space we have, how much storage we have. Comment some ideas for our workroom. I’m trying to get that space organized this coming week. Big thing I’m working on is just trying to finish our gear so I can get it handed out to our athletes. I’m a bit bummed because I feel like a lot of my Nike shipments are way behind what they normally are, but I’m trying to roll with it and hand out the stuff as it comes. We give all the girls the same backpack and duffel bag. I just sent those off to the screen printer to get their numbers put on them, but those should be ready Monday or Tuesday, and then I’m gonna pass out everything we have. A lot of times it’s easier to wait until you have a bag to like start passing out gear because you have something to put it in, but I just normally don’t wait this long, and it’s kind of a bummer because I feel like some of our girls are running out of their practice gear, which is kind of tough. The main thing that I need to come in, which is our practice shirts, has not even come yet. I’m actually so confused about why it’s taking so long. I feel like because we’re having two practices every day and our gym is pretty hot, the girls are sweating a lot, and we need multiple shirts, but right now some of them only have like two or three. So I’m really hopeful that this week the practice shirts can come in. I feel like whenever the season and pre-season roll around, I get so sentimental about playing. And like right now, like double days, it was always hard because you’re just like playing a lot of volleyball every day. Also really fun because you’re going through it with all of your best friends. My college teammates are still some of my best friends who are in my wedding, like they’re my girls. One thing that is just like not talked about enough is how hard it is to make friends after college, especially if you’ve played a college sport and you just had those like really deep friendships. I’m really grateful that like so many of my college teammates still live in Texas. One of them even lives in Waco, so I have so many friends close by. Okay, you guys, that’s all I’m gonna do. I need to head out of the house to go meet our lunch caterer, but I’ll see you guys later. Bye.