Navigating the Dating World: Conversations with P

All right, P. So how do you feel about, well, I know how you feel. I’m finna get back into like the dating world. How do you, well, how do you feel about that? All of that because I want to date for real. Run. P, for real. You gonna stop, you gonna stop running up. I’m just, you gonna stop running up. P, I can’t travel. Now I can’t even date. We gotta, we have to like, no you need help for real because we can’t keep doing this. We can’t. And we’re not, and we’re not. I’m not gonna keep arguing with you about coming in late. And I come in when I want to come in. No, for real. I come in when I want to. Get in the band so I can talk to you now. I come in when I want to come in. You don’t tell me when to come in. You hear me? You, I’m just letting you know. P, get out my face. Get out my face. Get out my face. You so trifling, bro.