Raising Awareness and Taking Action: A Call to Stand Up for Refugees and Women’s Rights

So my original thought to a comment like this would be, obviously, but here’s some body count for you. 1.4 million, 1.4 million people are currently in Rafa. Usually it occupies about 130,000, and there’s 1.4 million people there right now. And why is there so many people there? Because that’s where they were told to go to be safe, but they’re not safe because over the last couple of days, while everyone was being entertained by the Drake and Kendrick Lamar beef and by the Met Gala, while the Hunger Games were going on, they started invading Rafa, which was supposed to be a safe place. Now, I never spoke about any of this before because I didn’t think that I had a platform or a space to speak about it. And what can I do, what was I supposed to do? And I didn’t know that much about it.

There is a creator on here, Aaron Hadamer Adamer, who I’ve been following for a long time. And she’s always made me laugh and her jokes are so original and her comedy is so amazing. And she’s been doing so much amazing work and has informed me a lot and is begging creators to say something. And it’s really made me take pause on why I haven’t said anything and why I feel like that’s kind of like not my reality in my life and what am I supposed to say and speak about. But then when I seen the world get so rapid. Stop with this Drake and Kendrick beef, and when I see the roast of Tom Brady happening and then the Met Gala happening and how it kind of all takes the internet by storm if every single person just made one video and the entire internet was taken, maybe action could happen. Mclemore’s new song definitely speaks volumes to what is going on and what we allow and what is happening and it’s worth a listen as well. So if you wanna help, I definitely suggest maybe going over to Aaron Hadamer’s link, follow her. And in her bio, she has so many amazing ways that you can help. And also there’s this really cool organization that I just found out about literally today called the Olive Branch organization. Well, if I will put in my link and follow them because they’re really doing some amazing work as well. And the fact that I just found them wild to me and I wish I wouldn’t have known about it sooner. Aaron has literally been begging big creators to make even just one video to create change. And I don’t have a huge following and you don’t have to make your whole platform about it, but I think it’s our responsibility to do something. And I’ll look into more ways that I can help as well. I definitely understand and kind of shamed by the privilege and the ignorance that I have to be able to shut out what’s happening around the world. And that is on me and something that I have to work out and how easy it is to be able to just, you know, dismiss it. But there are people who are really not able to. And if I look at, dreaming is free right behind me. Some people can’t even have the liberty to dream good things. They just want some food and some safety and some shelter and bear essentials and pray that they get to live another day.

But also ask me what my body count is. Honestly, just stop leaving stupid comments, misogynistic, comments on women’s videos. My body count and any other woman’s body count is none of your business. And it doesn’t add value or take value away of our worth as women, you stupid .