Concert Chronicles: Lashes, Fans, and Making Memories

Okay, yeah, we leaving the concert. Only a few of my lashes like fell out, but just on one side though. It was 90 something degrees and all of these lashes stayed on. My fan that I brought, I started off with my neck fan because I knew this only lasted like five hours when I brought it last weekend. So I saved this for the second part of the day. I was letting people use it the whole time because I had my neck fan on, perfect. So, and it wasn’t even on like real high. Lasted the whole time. So we got here at three and it’s 10.30. The fan lasted the whole time and other people were using it. And my lashes. That’s it. See, now he packing the car. Big ass truck we could have took. We took this. I was doing video. My bad. So, ain’t nothing changed from the start. When you said that the first time when I did the first video. Good night y’all. Y’all hear Erica?