Charging My Q-Runner Enclosed Mobility Scooter: Step-By-Step Guide

Hey you guys, Elsa here. So it is about time for me to charge my enclosed mobility scooter with steel. It is electric, it’s an enclosed mobility scooter, it’s called a Q-Runner enclosed mobility scooter and it has a 30 mile charge. So I have to charge it maybe about once a week or so, it just depends on how often I drive it. But now my battery’s getting low so I’m going to charge it and I’m going to go ahead and make a video to show you guys how to charge it because a lot of people apparently are really interested on how this works. Alright so here’s the scooter and all you do is you go to the back right here, you open up this little door right here and then you just get the charger that it comes with, plug it in right here and that’s pretty much it.