Scrumptious Oxtail Stew with Old-Fashioned Steamed Bread: A Flavorful Culinary Adventure

First things first, you’re gonna get all your ingredients. Now you’re gonna season your oxtail with half a tablespoon of salt. Then you’re gonna scatter about a tablespoon of brown sugar all over your oxtail. Mix that and set aside. Into a pot you’re gonna add in two tablespoons of olive oil and then once your olive oil is hot, you’re gonna add in your oxtail and you’re gonna brown your oxtail on both sides. Voila, Bob’s your uncle, not rocket science. Remove that from the pot now. Now you’re gonna add into the exact same pot two brown onions that was chopped up. Then you can go in with a tablespoon of garlic as well. You’re gonna stir everything well together up until it’s nicely sauteed and fragrant. Add in your oxtail that was set aside. Add in a sachet of tomato paste. Now you’re going in with half a tablespoon of oregano, also a half a tablespoon of ground cumin. You’re just gonna add in one clove. Then you can go in with a teaspoon of white pepper. Then you can go in with two bay leaves, a half a tablespoon of six-grain graal seasoning. It is fundamental. Now you’re adding in 500 milliliters of beef stock into your pot. Now you can add in about a cup of red wine and you can just do as much as you want. Then you’re gonna mix everything well together. When you’re getting carried away, close the lid, cook for two hours. You’re probably wondering, Qwen, what in the name of super sakis is going on here? I’m making steamed bread the old-fashioned way. In a pot, hot water, my dough that was placed into the meat bags, steam that for 45 minutes and with a closed lid and voila. If you don’t get this result, you probably did something incorrect. After two hours of cooking your ox tail, you’re gonna add in your three potatoes and your six carrots that was cut up nicely. Season again about a half a tablespoon. Put in two cups of water and let that cook for about an hour again and voila. Enjoy!