Title: Fuel Frenzy: Reviving the Era of Dirt Cheap Petrol Prices

When was the last time you filled up your tank for 99 cents a liter? Most of us would have to cast our minds back decades. But for some lucky drivers, it was just a few hours ago. It’s all thanks to a new initiative bringing dirt cheap petrol prices back right around the country. It was crazy and I just had to take advantage of it. But I’ve been.

Waiting here from 2:00. Perfect. Talking about your lots on. It’s a line taking these motorists back in time. It’s very cheap. A fuel frenzy. Come on, you guys. Come on. Let’s go. Winding back the clock and the cost of living. And it’s not April, so it’s no joke. All fuel here, just 99.9 cents a liter.

I was like, well, 90 cents, fill up, $270 normally for full tank. I was like, why not? So.

It usually cost you $270 to fill up.


What will it be like to pay half of that today? Well.

Amazing. I’ve got Jerry Kent at the back.

So did this guy. Motorists taking advantage when every dollar counts. What do you think you’ll do with that savings? I think it’s the most difficult. And I’ve been, I live by myself and I’m a high school teacher, so any help I can get for 2 hours of petrol power today.

This metro servo at Punch Bowl in southwestern Sydney gave customers a small reprieve and a sweet treat accuse sneaking through the suburb while neighboring station sat idle. Fuel nearly double the price at $192 and $198. How much will you be saving today, do you reckon? Oh, I reckon about a hundred bucks. That’s a big amount. Yes, it’s messy, but especially cuz like 98. So yeah, it’s normally, like I said, over $2,50. So yeah, I’m very excited to that. This Bowser bonanza, a stunt from Dreams Come True. The company’s boss, John Singolus, adding some fuel to their new giveaway business.

The cost of living is getting obviously more and more expensive. And obviously, one thing that we wanna do is hope the.

Everyday Australians like Ness Ray and we.

Came here a little bit early. We can give up probably 1:30 and then we wanted to wait here, but we got told we weren’t allowed. So we’ve been waiting on the side straight everybody from 1:30. Worth it though. Yeah, it is. It is. And it’s a great initiative. I mean, like Australians need more of this, you know, I mean, like, and especially for someone like me who’s a single unemployed mum and I’ve never been able to do a full tank. So I can’t afford it. I can’t honestly, like if there’s expenses, there’s bills, there’s groceries.

She filled up all the way.

I mean, for a fourth tank on $45, that’s like amazing. Honestly.

The people fueling up right now have been waiting in line nearly an hour. But no ones can planning. Everyone’s just happy their budgets will be a little bit easier this week. On that says, wow, how much is this gonna cost you today? Look, I’m.

Not too sure, but whatever it is, I’m gonna have to front the Bill. But the main thing is, I’m gonna see smiles on people’s faces and release some pitch of the community. So there’s no catch. There is no catch.

You don’t.

Have to sign up.

And you’ll be repeating this.

That is correct. So moving forward, we will be repeating this program to our members only. But as of today, we’re just giving everyone a taste of what we have to offer.

Next month, the slash priced petrol will be the Metro Servo in Victoria. The company plans to roll it out each month on the day the Reserve Bank meets. But there is a catch. From now on, it’s only for DC team members, which costs 1990 a month. Do you remember when it was last at 99 cents? No, actually, don’t remember. We can. It was around 2,003. John Howard was prime minister. The Iraq war had just begun.

I can inform the house and inform the Australian public in general that forces have commenced combat.

And the average house price in Sydney just $516,000,314,000 in Melbourne, let’s call it 600. Second call at 600 certain final call at NRL star Josh Addocar is mates with dreams come true. Boss John on hand to pump up today’s promotion. Thank you. Thanks, folks. Love you, bro. I appreciate you. How long are you gonna keep this up for? Look.

Just depending on today’s success, will, if you, if it is obviously brilliant, we’re gonna keep it going and we keep rolling it out. But one thing that we wanna get on board is some supermarkets to help the day to day strategy, groceries.